Engineering Studio & Build Shop

Moving Ideas Forward

An Engineering Studio & Build Shop for Moving Ideas Forward

You have Something In Mind for a new product, service, method, process, technology or anything in-between, but there are gaps. Gaps that prevent it from moving forward - some are clear and obvious, others not so much. You need help to get to the next step, and the one after that. Enter QUAVANT!

We are an engineering and incubation team offering a wide array of design, build and execution capabilities for early-stage projects, with skills across multiple domains spanning systems, electronics, software, mechanics, networking and communications amoung others. Our expertise is to quickly iterate and move early-stage ideas forward. Our clients span the fields of R&D, engineering and product management with commerical and non-commerical focused organizations.

We understand early-stage efforts and their goals, typically the focus is more to explore, validate and sell an idea vs. develop and sell a product. That comes later. Our goal is to get your idea to that place. To do this we look at things differently, our team of highly creative thinkers repurpose vs. reinvent as we design, build and execute on the prototypes, testing environments, proof of concept trials or whatever you need to provide the insights for developing your idea and making it ready to win-over your skakeholders and leadership to move to the next phase.

Our clients are entrepreneurs, product owners and strategic innovators who have the beginnings of an idea, what we refer to as, "Something In Mind" and are seeking to moving it forward. We provide them the know-how and resources to crystalize their embryonic thought into a defined iterative plan to move forward and bring the idea to life.